Emily grew up in Kentucky and now resides in Colorado. She has been painting since the early 2000’s and has a BA in Visual Studies from Western Kentucky University. She tries to make as much art as she can while supporting herself with a day job in the service industry. She also makes all her own homemade oil paint because she’s a nut.

After a decade-and-a-half of working in the traditional outlets of the art world, including dozens of gallery shows, Emily became disenchanted with pursuing success through this avenue, as she found it to be an exercise in masochism & exploitation. She decided to shift her focus to self-publishing visual material in packages that are mass-producible and accessible to a wider audience, beginning with the release of the Local Honey Picture Box in 2023.

In addition to maintaining her own studio practice, Emily also has an intense interest in the symbiotic relationship between visual culture and social change, and has been researching & investigating this topic for over 15 years. She is passionate about a post-capitalist future with healthy community for everybody.